The Thieves in My Life

So much controversy over essential oils lately. We are so quick to trust chemicals that can burn, harm and poison our bodies if accidently ingested, but not naturally extracted oils? I was a skeptic at first, actually for quite a long time, especially for anything other than diffusing. While for over 5 years now I’ve enjoyed the idea of diffusing and did it here and there…something about the store bought scent wasn’t allowing me to enjoy them long term. Some aromas smelled artificial, like artificially flavored candies.

Two years ago, pregnant with my daughter, social media presented me a world of clean, therapeutic essential oils. Ones that you could not only diffuse, but you could use topically and even INGEST! Okay, two years into these natural, non toxic BRILLIANCE, I’ve only ingested oils a few times to test out the digestive factors. It’s not really for me, especially since, I discovered you can not only clean with them, but disinfect and also purify air! Like woah, they aren’t just to make the house smell nice, they have relieving, purifying, nontoxic, and natural abilities to clean.

Reminder/disclosure: It is important to do your OWN research, what might be for me, might not be for you. I will always share the most accurate information on the account of what I have researched, but please make sure that you make decisions solely on what you have discovered and believe.

Anyway, check out the before and afters below. I’ve become obsessed with cleaning our house since these have entered our lives and obsessed in an understatement. Thieves Household Cleaner has singlehandedly replaced multiple chemicals in our household. Including the almighty bleach. It can literally clean my floor, sink, toilet and shower, but also clean my fruits and veggies. Check it out in all it’s versatile action and ask me all the questions you have!

Cleaning our ancient sink weekly with our Thieves soft scrub mix. This is before.
Ancient sink after.
Sink strainer. Before.
Each week we soak our drain strainers in hot water + Thieves to loosen muck, disinfect and clean.
Stove Top (usually waaaay dirtier, will update). Before.
Soft Scrub. Same mix used for sink, toilets, showers, and pots with ick stuck to.
After. Need another swipe with lemon to rid those left over burnt marks.

Okay, so we can do it with bleach, windex, lysol toilet cleaner? But can your child accidentally dip her finger and swallow it and BE OKAY!? (Obvi, not recommended. Do not try, but it has happened to us.) Can your skin make contact without having to rinse it off right away? I clean our sinks, toilets, showers with this and am 100% okay with showering my daughter immediately after, I don’t freak out if she accidentally sticks her whole arm in the toilet right after, or gets a swipe at the baking soda, Thieves + lemon scrub while cleaning the sink. Heck, I’ll invite her to scrub with me and she’s only 1.

Stay tuned for more uses added in the future or follow me on Instagram to see Thieves in daily action! @lyshdaze

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